Monday, October 20, 2014


I participated in something pretty great last week. IF:Table.
The IF: movement is something that has transpired from the heart and mind of Jennie Allen, a writer and speaker, among other things. The goal is to "equip and unleash the next generation of women to live out their purpose."
I was invited to attend a home simulcast of the first ever IF:Gathering in Austin earlier this year, but Allen was out of town at a speaking engagement and as much as I would've loved to hole up for the weekend with some ladies, the cost of a 2-day or even a 1-day-all-day babysitter was not part of the budget, so I sat that one out.
So, while I haven't been directly involved with this amazing ministry that's been gaining momentum over the last year, I've definitely been aware of it. I actually tried to get a ticket to the upcoming February IF:Gathering in Austin but it sold out in 2 HOURS! What?!?
Is this real?

So, on the heels of weeks of blogs about friendship and that whole thing, imagine all the feels when I checked my email a few weeks ago and found an invitation to an IF:Table.
Really?? An opportunity to sit around and eat and chat with 5 other women for 2 hours?
And then do it again? Every. Month.
Uh, yesplease.

And so we did.

We sat.
We ate.
We laughed.
We were honest.
We talked about community and weakness and delighting in the Lord.

Some of the ladies I know well, and some I'm only just getting to know, but they're all sisters in Christ, and we're all 6 of us flawed and real and wonderful.

Thank you, IF: for challenging and equipping us to come together in our places. Thank you for blowing wind into our sails.

Check out IF: and all their fabulousness HERE.

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