Monday, February 24, 2014

Unwrap the Bible

This past weekend I was incredibly blessed to hear from some amazing women at a new event hosted by Women of Faith.
Unwrap the Bible was held at Lakewood Church in Houston on Friday night and Saturday. Kari Jobe led worship, which just that alone would have made the weekend for me. BUT we heard from Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Lisa Harper, Sheila Walsh, and Christine Caine who each taught on a different woman from the Bible.
My computer has been 'in the shop' for the better part of a week, so I'm doing this from my tablet, which is the equivalent of asking a cranky old man to type my blog entry.
With that being said, what I want to do today is share some 'nuggets' of awesomeness that I heard this weekend from one of these ladies in particular, Priscilla Shirer.

She spoke on Mary the mother of Jesus; specifically the wedding at Cana when the wine ran out.
She equated it to us giving our best, and it not being enough. What happens when we "run out?"

-I don't need to be better. I just need a better view of who God is.
-God will be for us what we cannot be for ourselves.
-Running out is a prefix to a run in with Jesus.
-Jesus doesn't always take us out of tough scenarios, because he would be taking us out of an opportunity to see him work.

She closed her message with this thought; instead of praying, "Lord, please get me out of this situation," we might need to pray, "Lord, leave me right here and let me see you turn this water into wine."

Ministry is such a blessing, but it can also be taxing, frustrating, and exhausting. When you feel like you've given all you have, and you just haven't got anything left, let Jesus turn your water into wine.

I pray you have a blessed week, friends.

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